The Art of Mind: A quick Guide
The Art of Mind: A quick Guide is a 10 minute video
contribution to the Texte zur Kunst issue #136, on the topic of
Lecture, which will be published in early December 2024.
My contribution is about a fictional computer program that I found for my project [After her Destruction]. In it I appear in the form of various avatars. An AI from an online platform has brought their portraits to life (or to speak) – with Cheap Resolution, because AI costs significantly more in Hi-Res. In this state of machinic subjectivity, the avatars tell their personal story, which also describes the creation of The Art of Mind. The starting point for the program is that “media […] become privileged models according to which our so-called self-understanding is constituted, presicesly, because it is their declared purpose to deceive and defraud this self-understanding.“1 According to this thesis, the relationship between people and media is inherantly a process of fictionalization. We use it to deceive ourselves, and this deception is particularly effective in the field of visual media.

- Friedrich Kittler, Optische Medien. Berliner Vorlesung 1999, Berlin 2022, S. 34. ↩︎