L Twills / Soloproject
2016 Lila-Zoé Krauss began to produce, publish and perform under the name L Twills. 2017 she self-released the 7inch Single Young Boys/Too Late for the End, pressed by Hamburg’s local vinyl pressing plant Ramona Records. L Twills received first international attention with the release of her 12inch debut album [Freedom/Fiction] in 2020, which she produced in Los Angeles. Calinfornian online magazine XLR8R, British print magazine Electronic Sound and Austrian weekly Der Falter featured the album. It garnered positive radio play from Byte Fm, BBC, RBB and Dublab LA. Shortly after the [Freedom/Fiction] REMIX compilation appeared, featuring artists like Zoë Mc Pherson, John Tejada, Xiu Xiu and Tobias Rochmann).
2016-2024 L Twills has performed on international stages, including: Kampnagel (Hamburg), NAVEL (Los Angeles), Popkultur Festival (Berlin), Forum Stadtpark (Graz), Golden Pudel Club (Hamburg), Viva Sounds (Göteborg), Montez-Press-Radio (New York City), Documenta15 (Kassel), Secession (Vienna), Kvaka22 (Belgrade) and Volkstheater Vienna.
From 2021-2024, Krauß conceived and produced her first multimedia opera [After her Destruction]. In February 2024, the music of the opera was released as a double album.
–> Read more about the project.

[After her Destruction] 2LP, limited edition; 300 copies.
Released via Misitunes on 16th February 2024.
Written, recorded, produced and performed by L Twills
Mixed and mastered by Helge Hasselberg
Vinylmastering by Martin Sukale
Cover Art by Louisa Boeszoermeny
Cover Art Inside (filmstill) by Helena Wittmann
Cover Design by Studio Hanli
Supported by Initiative gGmbH with project funds from the Federel Government Commissioner for Culture and Media
In cooperation with Hanseplatte

[Freedom/Fiction] LP, limited edition; 300 copies.
Released via Misitunes on 20th February 2020.
Written, recorded, produced and performed by L Twills;
Mixed and mastered by Helge Hasselberg
Vinylmastering by Martin Sukale
Cover Art by Suzane Caroline de Carrasco
Supported by Labelfunding Hamburg
In cooperation with Hanseplatte
Press / Features
[After her Destruction] 2LP
[Freedom/Fiction] RMX
[Freedom/Fiction] LP
