Inge, raise us from the Dead!
Inge, raise us from the dead! is an experimental short film based on the poems of German post-war and GDR poet Inge Müller. Inge Müller’s life was characterized by motifs such as being buried, loss, depression and the struggle for visibility as a writer. She committed suicide in 1966. Inge Müller’s poems describe the traumatic reality of a post-war society that was confronted with the loss of God as a moral authority as well as the loss of individual role models.
The short film combines surrealistic and documentary images. We see Mrs. M., a middle-aged woman who lives in a high-rise building on the outskirts of a German city. Ms. M. has had a recurring dream for some time in which she is buried by rubble. As the image alternates between everyday scenes in the apartment and a fictitious green-filtered version of this apartment, the actress’s life seems to be mysteriously connected to Müller’s otherworldly existence. As a ghostly entity, her poems intervene in the life of Mrs. M. Interview excerpts, a radio as a time machine and sequences that refer back to Brecht’s Lehrstück raise questions about loneliness, aging, mental health, suicide and freedom. Inge Müller’s poems become a timetravel technology through which the present is questioned by the past.
November Vienna Arts&Poetry Filmfestival
February Brechtfestival
Cast: Ms. M – Christin Krauss
Director, Editor, Script, Sound & Music – Lila-Zoé Krauß
Cinematography – Julia Thielke
Commissioned by Brechtfestival